1) KEEP YOUR IDENTITY CLEAR SO WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE – Please keep your real name in your profile. It is super important that we know who every student is. We don’t let just anyone into this community, and we do our best to keep all of our students safe. Please keep your real name in your profile name so we know who you are.
If you would like to go by a nickname or a different name than what was included for you on your student registration, please first inform our staff of the change you would like to make. Make sure that we have updated this information on our student list before you change your name in your profile.
If your profile name does not match your name on our student registration list, or your name is not on our student registration list, we may remove you without warning. So to further clarify this important point:
• Keep your real name in your profile
• Do not switch identities with another student
• Do not make up a fake name
• Do not pose as someone else
Animation Production Group information, classes, content, and access links are copyrighted and protected by law. This includes invite links to join our student portal or any of its workshops or groups, zoom meeting links, Vimeo links, and other content. Sharing this information with people who didn’t pay for it, or who didn’t receive permission from our staff to access it is STEALING. Please also do not share your access information with other students in our classes or student portal.
3) BE KIND AND RESPECTFUL – to everyone here: to other students, to their parents, to our moderators and staff, to people with different beliefs, to people that irritate you or drive you crazy, to people you strongly disagree with; to everyone here be kind and respectful. Mean, disrespectful, or bullying comments or behavior of any kind will not be tolerated.
4) NO SEXUAL OR NSFW (not safe for work) or obscene CONTENT or DISCUSSIONS – This includes text, images, or links featuring NSFW content, including uses of the word ‘sexual’. However, LGBTQ terms without “sexual” attached to the end of it are acceptable. (ie, ‘bi’ or ‘ace’)
We understand as artists that some students may draw nude figures, use nude references, etc. But we have many younger students that want to enjoy their experience in this community also. Because of this, we work hard to create an environment that parents can feel safe letting their kids hang out here as well.
5) NO FOUL LANGUAGE – Foul language is not fun for most people to have to read anywhere, including places of work and schools. It is the same here. Do not use foul language in your posts, or your comments, in chats, or direct messages, or in any artwork or creative content that you share here. Please do not use soft swear words like “frickin” or abbreviated swears words like “LMAO.” Also, replacing letters with asterisks, dashes, or other characters does not make a cuss word okay to use. These are not acceptable and will be deleted.
6) NO BLOOD or GRAPHIC VIOLENCE depicted in works of art – Graphic violence means the visual depiction or representation of serious injury to a human or human-like being where such serious injury includes amputation, decapitation, dismemberment, bloodshed, mutilation, maiming, disfiguration, or similar. Also, drawing or painting blood in your art and then calling it ‘ketchup, grape juice, strawberry jam’, or something like that does not make it okay. You may include weapons, battle, and combat in your art as long as it does not violate this rule.
7) NO DRUGS, ALCOHOL, or SMOKING depicted in works of art.
8) NO POLITICAL DISCUSSIONS – this isn’t the place for politics or political social issues.
9) NO SPAM or SELF-PROMOTION (server invites, advertisements, etc) without permission from a staff member. This includes announcements to ask our students to meet-up for other gatherings on other platforms.
If they don’t ask for a critique, then please only say what you like about their work. Critiques are for helping people grow and are very helpful, however please understand that some of our students are just hobbyists wanting a fun place to share their art. But someone asking for a critique is not an excuse to point out everything you see that’s wrong. A good approach is to include a compliment at the beginning and end of your critique.
11) NO SPOILERS FOR NEW MOVIES OR SHOWS – Please wait to post fan art of newly released movies or TV shows that reveal spoilers. A general rule of thumb here is to allow our community one month from the release date to get to the theater or stream the episode and enjoy those cinematic surprises.
12) PLEASE POST CONTENT IN THE APPROPRIATE CATEGORIES – For example, all non-art and off topic posts should be posted in the appropriate group. We have numerous topics and groups for different kinds of content.
Sometimes we delete posts that are not bad posts, but merely because it made one of our members uncomfortable for whatever reason. If this happens to one of your posts, I just want to reassure you that you are still loved, accepted and greatly appreciated.
14) ALSO – Every person participating in this program must adhere to the following Acceptable Use Policy and Terms of Use agreements. Everyone using our platform must adhere to a few basic rules of civility:
• No violation of laws or regulations or violation of intellectual property or personal rights of others.
• No violence, threats of violence, or threats of harm.
• No harassment or attack of a person or a community based on attributes such as race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or disabilities.
• No sexualization of minors, nonconsensual sex trafficking, or forced labor.
• No viruses, malware, phishing, or spam.
Also, please be aware that
• We may remove or ban a member at any time.
• Members may report other members or content at any time.
• To participate in this program, you (the student and the parent/legal guardian) are entering into a contractual agreement with the Animation Production Group
• The Animation Production Group reserves absolute authority to remove participants for violating the above rules, and has unilateral authority to decide what violates these rules.
• Participants in this program who violate these rules may be removed without warning, recourse or refund.
• The terms of this contract are governed by the laws of the state of Colorado in the United States of America. Any legal disputes will be handled in Colorado by the courts of El Paso County, Colorado, USA.
• Liability of the Animation Production Group is limited to the amount paid for these services by the participant, or the participant’s parent, or the participants legal guardian, or the one who paid for the participant’s class registration.
• This is a program with students participating from diverse backgrounds, opinions, and points of view. We do our best to protect our students so that each person participating feels safe and respected, but we cannot guarantee that your student won’t be exposed to ideas that conflict with your personal values. If this is cause for any concern for you or your student, please bring this to our attention via email or our contact page.